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What's the Big Deal With Prom?

What is the big deal with prom? This is a question that's been pondered for years. Many people say prom is a life experience nobody should miss and a memorable night of romance; while others contend it's a one night event that costs more than the effort and expense it is worth.

Regardless of one's opinion, one point is absolute: proms cost money. According to "Prom Girl" (a popular website for all things prom), "It could cost anywhere from $175 to $2100". Spending a lot of cash for a DJ, tux or dress, food, decorations, a limo, and other things.

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Another question is should prom just be a thing for seniors or for both juniors and seniors? Some might say prom should be for both but others might point out the fact to only have it one year would be a more magical time than having two of them. These are some very good points. So is prom rea"y a big deal? I'" let you decide.

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