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Institutionalized unfairness

Students spend nearly half of their waking hours at school with teachers. Because of this concentrated time spent together, some students feel like they have negative relationships with their teachers due to unfair treatments. And being in a small school should mean we have better relationships with our teachers. Many students think that if we had better relationships with our teachers, their grades would be better. One student said, " ..if they don't care, why should I?" If students see something unfair like teachers on their phones after they yell at you for it. It shows they see the students as underneath them. A lot of kids at our school feel many teachers are Hippocrates. They should not get treated any different then us. Another student said, " I have a lot going on in my life, and sometimes a text is really important and I have to look, but they don't understand unless it's them." Some teachers argue that kids pull the "it's important" card all the time. As this maybe true, you can never know what goes on in their lives. As I interviewed a few students a big answer was that when a student is having one of "those days" all they want if for someone to understand, and cut them some slack. Some teachers do not feel entailed to do this, because they say there is always a way to focus. And everyone wonders why kids feel like they're treated unfairly.

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