Common Core at SSCS: Good or Bad?
Common Core was created in the summer of 2011 and was implemented in New York State schools in the 2012-2013 school year. This new system of learning has created many strains for public school teachers as well as having an impact of the students. Many people disagree on the issue of whether or not common core is helping or hindering students as well as its purpose being more political than educational; in fact, there are many videos on YouTube that express this: and http://
Sharon Springs Central School (SSCS) has taken on this new system and has high expectations for the advancement of their students especially with the more up to date technology that is provided.( For more information visit http:// )But is common core proving to be effective in SSCS? What do teachers think? How have the students responded? Is Common Core Good or Bad?
One of the high school english teachers expressed their opinion in an interview and said that overall they felt that Common Core standards were logical and research based but also very rigorous. They said that in their specific course that Common Core changed the curriculum from literature based to more factual concepts. This means less time for novels and elongated and well rounded learning to short and fast paced learning through articles and short stories.
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An eleventh grade student also interviewed at SSCS feels the same way and although many of the changes don't effect them they see they changes in their siblings school work. They said that with these new standards their sibling has fallen behind and is not conforming to the Common Core standards as well as their classmates. The student suggested that the method of how they introduced Common Core principles all at one time instead of starting with a kindergarten class and moving up a grade level each year. It was also suggested by both the teacher and student that the assessments that common core uses as a standard may not fit each students personal learning habits.
Everyone is simply not the same and functions on different levels especially when it comes to learning. Many students prefer hands on projects and class work than sitting and listening to lectures all day. This is true for students at SSCS every 9 out of 10 students asked wether they preferred hands on learning to lectures said the would prefer hands on. So with this knowledge can teachers provide hands on activities that apply Common Core lessons and standards at SSCS? Another point that the teacher provided was how much more personal time they spend working on school work because of the changes made to the education system. Will this cause teachers to ware thin and become worn out? Common Core has impacted SSCS students and teachers. Many have adapted and are adjusting well to these new standards and with our advancement with the iPad project and grant that was given to the school our students and teachers are able to meet these standards because we have all the information at our finger tips. Common Core has its ups and downs but overall the positives out weigh the negatives in the case of SSCS students and teachers. Common Core has set SSCS in the direction of academic success and better learning development for generations to come. But will this new system last? For more information regarding New York State Common core visit