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Feds, Get Your Hands Off My Fork: School Lunch is Being Influenced By the US Federal Government

It seems in the last few years that school lunches have been getting worse; a major part of this is the influence of the US federal government has on the lunches. Obama's wife has been pushing healthier alternative foods. This has ended up making all of the food worse; it has also lessened the the portion sizes as though the lunches were feeding of mice instead of growing adolescents.

Here are some of the regulations on school lunches: click here.

Some eleventh grade students at SSCS were asked the question: What is your opinion on school lunch portion sizes?

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Here are some of the responses, Andrew said: "Portion sizes should be bigger for high schoolers compared to that of kindergarteners."

Nicole said, "Sometimes there's too much food and sometimes there is not enough, I may eat lunch at school and still eat my own lunch from home."

Tanner said, "There may not be enough food for older kids."

Zach said, "The portion sizes are way too tiny too much fruit, there should be other snacks."

Morgan said, "The lunch portions are way too tiny except for yogurt." She also added that there is, "far too little variety; it seems like we have chicken every day chicken."

(Click on the above image to be redirected to its source)

Trenton said, "I believe that the portion/content sizes are too standardized and should be based on age gender and physical size."

Dayna simply said, "the sizes are too small."

So it seems that most of the students agree that the size of the lunches is a problem and some say the content isn't great either.

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